Bon appétit

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Appleton

Today, I told my girlfriend I've been a vegetarian for 6 years. Hearing this, my mom said, "No, you're not. I fry your mushrooms and onions in bacon grease." With this new information, I've been a vegetarian for about 76 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 439
You deserved it 10 059

Top comments

You didn't notice your food tasted like bacon for 6 years?

It's ok. My mom used to fry my stuff in vegetable oil to make me a vegetarian.


Bacon grease isn't necessarily meat so what's the issue?

VampTat 10

WTF PEOPLE!?! A vegetarian is some who does not eat ANY meat. Fish is MEAT. Chicken is MEAT. Bacon grease may not be actual flesh, but it still came from the flesh, and bacon is MEAT. It is a MEAT byproduct. Milk, eggs, and honey are ANIMAL byproducts, and VEGANS do not eat animal byproducts. BIG DIFFERENCE. If you do not eat any red meat or chicken, but you eat fish, then you are a PESCETARIAN. If you don't eat red meat, but do eat chicken, then you are a POLLOTARIAN. The POLLO in the word is Spanish for CHICKEN. Holy freakin' crap, Google this shit if you think I'm wrong! Ergo, if OP has been tricked for the past 6 years into eating vegetables with bacon grease in it (although I have no idea how you couldn't tell since bacon has a pretty obvious flavor and smell), then no, he hasn't really been a vegetarian as he thought and his mom is an asshole!

Wtf. I would have killed her! I'm not a vegetarian myself, but it's all about respecting peoples choices in life. Dude. I'm so sorry!

FYL. Time to start cooking your own stuff...

Ugh, I'd never cook my vegetarian girlfriend's stuff in the grease from any kind of meat. I'm sorry that happened to you OP. At least you didn't get sick? :/ When you've been a vegetarian that long and suddenly eat meat, your body can freak out.

don't see why anyone is prideful of their choice not to consume meat. you don't see people who eat meat saying "its been 3 years since ive not had meat with dinner"

Because most vegetarians do it just so they can brag about how environmentally conscious they are, as if they've single-handedly saved every animal on the planet. Just like how lots of people wouldn't go the the gym if they couldn't post on facebook about it.

That's bc there is nothing to be proud about when you eat meat.

scott82 5

Vegetarians don't eat meat, vegans don't eat animal products. I think you're still vegetarian, but maybe you're not vegan anymore. (If you where avoiding milk and eggs and stuff too...)

Technically, you ate no bacon. Just grease, which the majority of is artificially put into it anyway.

Well, the way I see it... You've still saved an incredible amount of lives - bacon grease or not! But yeah, I'd be really pissed, too. The other day I took a bite of salami because I was curious as to how it tasted (....nasty!). Maybe that means I'm not vegetarian that day or whatever, maybe others wouldn't approve, but I know I've been making a difference these past 3 years and that's always my goal. Try to think of it that way even though in your case it wasn't your choice :)

That's terrible! I myself being a vegetarian since childhood would be terrified if something like that were to happen. I always try to be super accommodating with my non-veggie friends but some just don't respect my choices. It's a shame really.

Oh, grow up. If you don't want to eat meat, that's your preference, but there's nothing "terrifying" about it.