Bon appétit

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Appleton

Today, I told my girlfriend I've been a vegetarian for 6 years. Hearing this, my mom said, "No, you're not. I fry your mushrooms and onions in bacon grease." With this new information, I've been a vegetarian for about 76 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 439
You deserved it 10 059

Top comments

You didn't notice your food tasted like bacon for 6 years?

It's ok. My mom used to fry my stuff in vegetable oil to make me a vegetarian.


1crabbygirl 10

"It's my mom's fault." Makes me VOMiT!!!!!!

I don't condone what your mother did, but you probably should have been preparing your own meals if you are that serious and committed to your vegetarianism. Just to be sure.

while it was inconsiderate to do it knowing your lifestyle... really.. it's bacon! bacon is wonderful 0.o

ytew6 6

HA! I saw a comic about this on reddit! I'm assuming you made that as well OP?

Well, if you're just telling her, then it's not really her fault for not knowing, but if she already knew and you were just telling her how long it's been, well, she's probably a bitch.

are you really that stupid that you couldn't taste the bacon???

schubur 3

Your mom is a saint. I work at a restraint that is part of a major chain and I do shit like this to all the vegetarian food all the time. Take that haha.

That's ****** up. I have lupus and I can't eat meat or I throw up horribly and sometimes pass out. It's not always the person's choice. Trust me. I love bacon and chicken but it's not worth it later.

Meat actually makes me really sick, that's a ******* horrible thing to do to someone.

You're ****** up. What if you made someone terribly sick?

You're still a veggie-head. Just don't eat anything your mom cooks. That's awful messed up if your mom. Some people just don't have any respect.

am i the only one who always thought that plants are alive too so you're still "killing" a lifeform for nurishment? im not anti-veg or anything, people should be able to eat what they want, but this is a question i've wondered for a very long time. oh, and op, your mom sounds like a disrespectful b

In fact, this is the reason why I hate vegetarians and am against it whole-heartedly. Plants are living too. You're torturing them just as much as any other animal. Ah, hypocrites.