Bon appétit

By Anonymous - 05/09/2010 05:22 - United States

Today, I took some friends out to the woods to show them a natural spring. I explained to them that the water bubbles up from underground, and that it's clean and tasty. I bent down and drank a few hefty handfuls, only to look up and see a dead raccoon floating near me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 007
You deserved it 24 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lionandthelamb61 9


Graawr 7

This is why sometimes I'm scared of natural spring water. You'll never know what does it contain. D:

Ah, the taste of dead-raccoon-contaminated Spring Water. S:

jennasayhella 3
1121osu2110 0

why would you ever drink water that is t in a bottle? ewwww that's why when ur in the woods don't eat or drink anything.

FreshSalad 1

You have to be the most sheltered person in the world. It must be weird to hear but people drink water from all sorts of places like their sink. a lake, a stream, a spring and even dirty puddles. Get outside.

QueenPersephone 9

Tap water is actually more strictly regulated than bottled water (in other words it is safer to drink) and much cheaper too. It's not unsafe to drink water from a stream either, you just have to know what to look for.

deeters 0

I went to a natural spring once.I peed in it

why would you drink natural spring water

...why on earth wouldn't you? Spring water's safe. Hell, stream water's relatively safe too - the worst you can get from it is a kind of stomach bug, and if you filter the water beforehand then that's impossible too. The plastic water bottles plaguing our landfills are filled with spring water, if you didn't know. Like, I dunno, Poland Spring? And before someone says it, I am a proud nature freak and a dirty hippie.

63 is right. I drank tons of natural spring water in switzerland. it's amazing.

Nothing better than a bit of raccoon to spice up your water.

styphon 5
UndiscoveredChao 0

op I'm a bit of a nature person myself...and if I've ingested the water before with no racoon then u can kinda see how this ydi for not checkinf

rasellersjr 0

Don't drink the water... fish pee in it.