Both sides now

By microtech - 13/12/2011 17:33 - United States

Today, at the microbiology lab, I discovered that the guy who took the shift before me didn't sterilize the work space very well. I am now blowing chunks from both ends from a very nasty strain of E. Coli. My company blames me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 678
You deserved it 3 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stinkmeaner 3

Thats why you should sterilize before you start your shift!!!

perdix 29


stinkmeaner 3

Thats why you should sterilize before you start your shift!!!

RedPillSucks 31

Never ever trust the person before you to clean up properly. Before you start, always sterilize your work area, that way you know it's done right. Sorry, but YDI

KiddNYC1O 20

Yeah, like going to a public shitter. You sterilize it by not sitting on it.

Fruitmonster2 15

So your the one who always ***** everywhere but in the bowl.

KiddNYC1O 20

you're* and no, I actually use the toilet cover sheets.

diidiimi 10

You can also get little cans of spray disinfectant for public loos. Those + paper covers = safer. Like condoms and the pill.

Time to go find him and give him a big huge hug and kiss for encouragement.

DoorMatCat 3

your profile picture adds to your comment. bravo. xD

flockz 19

you must have quite a set of lungs on you.

highfashonlife 1

That's why you should always sanitize your work space before you start, for someone who works in a lab you should know that. So technically it is your fault.

iArmy 6

That's the first thing I thought of. Whenever you're in your own environment working with anything that involves contaminants. Sterilize. It doesn't take a genius for that... Or, well, maybe for OP it does, haha.

perdix 29

Make sure "Chunks" takes you out to dinner and a movie for that. Odd nickname, but whatevs.

flockz 19

yes, and also don't willingly blow someone who doesn't sterilize their "work place". if you want the cream of the crop in the penis department, i suggest you stop your studying of micro organisms.

perdix 29

Yeah, listen to flockz. He's the resident scholar on macro orgasms.

flockz 19

thanks for the recognition perdix! but i would not be as regarded as i am today about this study if it weren't for test subjects like you. your results from being a furry are definitely going to allow us to make vast strides in the study of that area!

That was hilarious #20 thank you! :D FYL OP!

Aren't you also supposed to sterilize your work area when you get there?

iamesauce 4