Both sides now

By microtech - 13/12/2011 17:33 - United States

Today, at the microbiology lab, I discovered that the guy who took the shift before me didn't sterilize the work space very well. I am now blowing chunks from both ends from a very nasty strain of E. Coli. My company blames me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 678
You deserved it 3 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stinkmeaner 3

Thats why you should sterilize before you start your shift!!!

perdix 29


livvyroche 0

I hope that you get better soon! I'm sorry, thats really rotten luck...

cheergirl900 0

dont tell me to **** myself bitttcch.

soccerfreak889 0
brrarm 17

They should be blaming you. You HAVE to sterilize/decontaminate work space before you start even if assumed everyone follows the rules when they finish!

Always disinfect your work area before doing anything, ydi

Please don't flush it in the toilet or sink. That's how shit like that spreads.

.............Anything that has to do with science makes my brain hurt....

The op was working in a microbiology lab and the person who worked in there before her didnt clean the counter and the stuff so when op got there, she got exposed to all the nasty stuff the person didnt clean and she got sick....