Boundaries, dude!

By JoeBidenIsMyFIL - 02/03/2020 18:00

Today, I had to physically restrain my girlfriend from assaulting my father after he drunkenly poked her in the ribs for the fifth time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 549
You deserved it 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How about restraining your drunk dad instead?...

You're ok with your dad poking your girlfriend? Spineless cuckold!


your father shouldnt be touching anyone without their consent.

Personally, I'd have recommended standing by to restrain him if he tried to hit her back.

You mean you stopped your girlfriend from defending herself after you failed to stop your father from continuing to assault her? Got it.

Who's that one person who keeps downvoting the comments defending the girlfriend? Get a life.