
By snowwhite - 28/10/2013 04:51 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I'm severely sunburned and can barely walk properly. My boyfriend keeps telling his friends that it's because of, "how hard he gave it to me last night." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 653
You deserved it 10 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

He's just trying to make light of the situation, no need to be so burned up about it OP. P.S. Get some aloe and put it in a ice cube tray and stick it in the freezer. Once done take out and rub over body - instant relief.

juststephhere 23

So hard you became completely red! Haha sounds fun!


Nice repost, why don't you come up with something ORIGINAL

Wasn't this a plot point of a Sex and the City episode?

For payback make him have sex with you so hard and for at least three house with no breaks when you get better so he can't walk and then tell YOUR friends the truth best plan ever!!!!

Put milk on it. No joke. Get some whole milk, soak a paper towel in it, wring it out, and lay it on the burn. It'll get warm after a few seconds. Remove it, soak it again, wring it again, and place it back on the burn. If you do this a few times, your burn will feel much better, and it even heals quicker. Trust me, I know it sounds pretty weird, but it works like none other. Not even aloe produces results like milk.

YDI for not taking the proper precautions.

Your boyfriend gave you a hard sunburn? Weird boyfriend you got there

This just proves that majority of Australian Boys are the exact same. I feel your pain OP. Aloe Vera!!!