Brain freeze

By IvyLeague? - 15/01/2013 02:52 - United States - Buffalo

Today, I was babysitting, and a little girl asked for help with her homework. I cheerfully began an explanation, only to freeze mid-sentence. I could not for the life of me remember how to do long-division. I'm about to graduate from Cornell University, and her little brother had to correct me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 879
You deserved it 10 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody above middle school can remember. You're not alone.

SApprentice 34

It's hard to remember information when you have had no reason to review it for years. Don't feel bad, OP. It happens to all of us.


Dude, I'm a math major, and in order to remember how, I literally have to compare it to polynomial long division and re-teach myself each time. There are better ways to divide anyway, at least when you're dealing with integers.

alphatoomega 21

I'm in high school and would have trouble explaining long division, despite using it.frequently. It's like walking--easy to do, hard to explain.

niisapu 1

You went to Cornell. That in itself is an FML. You should make a new FML about how you wasted $200,000 of your parents' money on the world's worst Ivy League education. ~Princeton grad

wOW HOW IMPRESSIVE !!1!1! You'RE A PRINCETON GRAD ??!/1? NO WAY !! CLEARLY YOU MUST BE BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE BECAUSE OF IT !1!!! Hey asshole, you're the reason why people see us as irritating snobs. What a joke.

Cornell is better than Princeton in my opinion ~Oxford Graduate

Dude... No one needs that after calculus is introduced.

If you graduated from Cornell, why are you babysitting?

SquirrellyGirl 20

I feel you. I'm always forgetting math formulas

If you don't remember something so easy, I'm scared to ask what do you remember?...

I find it odd u refer to her like sees a stranger to u