Brain freeze

By IvyLeague? - 15/01/2013 02:52 - United States - Buffalo

Today, I was babysitting, and a little girl asked for help with her homework. I cheerfully began an explanation, only to freeze mid-sentence. I could not for the life of me remember how to do long-division. I'm about to graduate from Cornell University, and her little brother had to correct me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 879
You deserved it 10 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody above middle school can remember. You're not alone.

SApprentice 34

It's hard to remember information when you have had no reason to review it for years. Don't feel bad, OP. It happens to all of us.


No one expects kids from Cornell to do long division.

hookumsnivy 6

Proof that our education system sucks. Put down the calculators! Kids are too dependent upon a calculator because they're always allowed to use them. Learn how to do it correctly and you can do basic math in your head when you don't have a calculator handy. When I took the GREs they didn't allow you to use a calculator at all. Not even a basic one.

Don't worry OP, even the smartest people forget the simplest things sometimes! And if you've had no reason to do it for years, there's no reason why you would remember it. You're only human!

skyeyez9 24

Everybody has brain farts from time to time. After high school, most students use the scientific calculators to do math. So you forget initially the simple things.

sneeze_watch 19

It's alright, my husband can't write in cursive. He has a service job, so he never really has call to. It's just easier to print on bills so a customer can't mistake your handwriting. If you don't use something often enough, you tend to forget it.

Don't worry - it's relational understanding that's important, not instrumental. If you can still work it out your own way then it shouldn't matter if you can't remember the way you were taught in school. That's a lot better than simply remembering techniques but not understanding why they work or how to adapt them.

No big deal. That's what calculators and Excel is for. No one does long division after elementary school anyway. Funny story though

Andy Bernard, is that you? (^Character from the office)

I feel your pain. Start my 4th and final calc class for my engineering degree in 7 days. 16 y/o nephew asks for help with his algebra 2 homework. I got nothing... what the hell is algebra??