Brain wave

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my wife heard that Wi-Fi could be harmful for our newborn baby's undeveloped brain box. Her solution was to switch the Wi-Fi off on our laptops. She won't listen to the flaw in her plan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 798
You deserved it 3 283

Top comments

Did she live in a house with wifi when she was young?

palahniukpaul 6


chickenwalrus 14

Undeveloped brain box hm... Your wife must be some kind of genius.

itsgen 16

maybe she has a damaged brain srry op I feel for you

kelsey_katie 17

I agree with number 5. Very good point 5, very good indeed(:

Next thing you know, she'll use the baby as an excuse to stay out of the kitchen because of microwaves and stuff. Kidding.

liy223 6

I've been trying my hardest to think of something to say to this, but it all just sounds so mean...

deathpotato 11

Then you shouldn't have said anything at all.

liy223 6

Funny, I thought that's what the point of my comment was: not saying anything.

if you have to say you're not going to say something you kind of defeat the purpose of not saying anything.

Wifi is actually harmful they even banned it from some schools in other countries. But the wife is dumb.

These are the same people that say the ******* world is gonna end. I agree with bro ^

Google it I was watching the news when I heard about it.

dyble95 0

There are actually studies that show it MIGHT be harmful and who knows. There hasn't been any evidence to show it's safe either. That being said, I don't suggest turning off all of you wifi and gadgets and hiding you kids in a dark hole. More research should be done and then if wifi were shown to be harmful then if would be a good idea for people to try and figure out ways to minamize exposure or find alternatives. There is no need to get angry and deffensive. Welcome the reasearch and be open to new ideas. Nobody is going to force you to give up any of your things because nobody wants to go back to the dark ages. (Well maybe some of the mentally ill crazy people do.)

dyble95 0

I personally don't think it is harmful but better safe than sorry to a degree.

Calm down no need to get rude and call names. I was just informing people what I heard. You stuck up tit.

dyble95 0

You guys are entitled to your opinion just as I am to mine. No need to be a ******* dick just because yours is different. Why don't you actually argue some points and not be a dick at the same time (Ya it will probably be hard for you).

dyble95 0

61 How the **** is that better safe then sorry? If that were true then there would be nothing you could ******* do, dumbass. There is no evidence suggesting that were as for this there is. Just ******* think about, when you turn on wifi it sends out a signal that goes through your body. Who knows what it does to it. Who the **** are you to say it's not true yet there are doctors that believe it is true because of studies. There is no ******* proof it's safe but there is proof that it isn't.

dyble95 0

64 Actually If you would kindly send me your email I can send you ******* links to medical journals. This has nothing to do with media. Where did you get that ******* idea.

dyble95 0

64 you haven't said one piece of information. You have just talked shit and said your opinion.

53-Your a ******* shit head wifi has nothing to do with the end of the World. Also the worlds supposed to end in 2012 get your facts straight.

dyble95 0

67 dude you haven't said one ******* thing. Your still just being a dick. Why don't you link me some of those medical journals and studies you speak of i can link you study's that actually do show there may be problems with wifi and there quite ******* legit. Ya I am saying those could be potentially dangoures. There just man made signals sent out every where and they do "bombard" are bodys.

76- You better repent for your sins and not be rude because not everyone has the best grammar. Know your just being a dick because you can't except that other people have different opinions.

Rachaelc23 8

And oh look! Were all still alive!

Rachaelc23 8

No that's the end of the myan calendar that ends in 2012. There was also another prediction that stated the world ending in 2011 or were you not watching the "news" that day? How about you get your facts straight before you tell others to do just that

dyble95 0

Health Canada has stated that the "low level exposures should not be harmfull." they also have a wifi radation limit in schools and other places for a reason and it keeps on getting lower as more studies and liteture come out on it. So in high level exposers it is dangeous? Then why could it not be dangerous over long peroids of time. Read the page if you wish Btw if you want me to agree with you or change my mind why don't you try and reason with me or state why I might be wrong instead of just calling me a moron, idiot, dumbass over and over again.

I was being sarcastic I don't believe the world is goin to end.

85- I only called names because you called names first, how come brazil banned it from there schools I it wasn't a harmful.

69 - I meant to thumbs down. The world was supposed to end that day , too. Dumb shit.

dyble95 0

They have a radiation limit because it Is dangerous in large amount. From that I came to a conclusion that why would it not be dangerous in small amounts over a long period of time then. I did not say that is what they said. Please read carefully. And how the **** did I misquote them.

deadeyedex 6

69- your a dumbass if you watched the news in the month of may you would know a dumbass predicted it and then said October 21 2011 were going to die

95- Don't call names it's rude. I was making a point on how stupid it was even mentioning the world was going to end.

The same reason a study on cell phones concluded that the small amounts of radiation do not kill you. Most radiation from technology,(cell phones, wifi, radios, et cetera) comes in the form of low energy alpha particles, these particles, CANNOT penetrate the human body in harmful enough ammounts. To say that continous, low doses of radiation are lethal, is to say that an airsift gun shooting plastic bullets will eventual pierce a brick wall. It is Highly illogical. Google the subject if you wish, as a conclusion has already been reached, or ask a biology teacher with at least half a brain about the effects of low level radiation on the human body. Sorry to prove you wrong, but on the bright side, you have nothing to worry about.

97- don't hate. Wifi is harmful I think and that's my opinion so respect it.

Geez you guys are ass munches. The rate of autism is 1 in 100 in my state. In the 80s it was 1 in 10000. It is entirely reasonable for an expectant mother to freak out and cover all her bases when faced with devastating odds. Since something's obviously different from 1980, it's natural and logical to suspect technologies that have emerged since then and have grown at a similar pace with developmental disabilities. No it's NOT scientifically proven, but since science doesn't have the answer yet one must act out of an abundance of caution.

dyble95 0

98 Has changed my opinion on this matter. Seriously that made a shit load of sense. Thank you for explaining it really well.

Thanks for this argument. I'm slightly dumber for having read it.

I'm an autism researcher. The only thing we've proven is that it is caused by two confounding factors: genes and the environment. Certain fetuses are genetically susceptible to whatever the environmental trigger is. We know of the genes from excellent twins studies, but the environmental factors are still unknown. When we have the science to rule something out - like vaccines - by all means we take it off the table. Still on the table, however, are radiation sources, plastics, chemicals, and pollutants, just to name a few. So again I ask, if you're looking at 1 in 100, does it hurt to eliminate the low-hanging fruit just in case, whilst awaiting the science to catch up? In the case of vaccines, there was a real harm to the public health, but if you shut off wifi for 9mos, what's the harm if it gives you peace of mind?

No problem. I used to think the same thing, until my science teacher told me otherwise in front of the class, and I'm suppossed to be the smart kid. Boy was that embarrassing. At least now I know my iPhone won't kill me. :)

There's a reason why you shouldn't listen to sensationalist ******* news.


Practically everything is harmful nowadays. Who gives a shit!!!


Practically everything is harmful nowadays. Who gives a shit!!!!

110 I appreciate your post. By the way... Couldn't OP just get an Ethernet cord for home? And 3G service for any tablets?

Schools don't really care about health so much as they care about students paying attention. So I'm gonna guess that the reason they ban wifi is the same reason they ban cell phones, mp3 players, and all other electronics- so kids will listen to the teacher. Or are you trying to say that all electronic devices are also harmful to your health?

sccrismyantidrg 4

Do you know just how many studies there are about about something "maybe" being true? If you want to put all your faith in them and basically live a sheltered life (because those studies will say everything is maybe dangerous), be my guest. But you sound very uneducated, just based on your grammar and when I wonder what you look like, I imagine that you probably wear aluminum foil as a hat since you put so much merit in this junk science.

If wifi was dangerous,1 they would have stopped using it, 2 we would already be dead form all the other forms of radiation an energy pulses we put into our air space, and 3, the real reason they have probably started banning wifi in schools is to stop students looking up shot on their iPods and what not during their classes.

I find that opinions are allot like assholes, everybody has one and they usually stink.

FML: a place where you can argue over anything.

FYL and YDI at the same time. Why YDI? YDI for married and also having a child with a woman you don't even know her well yet. Or if you already know that she's the kind of person who thought that she's always right and won't listen to anyone even though she doesn't really know about it and you still married her, it's still YDI.

Now, if you said that out loud, where would the breaths be taken?? I must know these things!

You assume a lot of things, don't you?

MyPupRox 2

FMLs are supposed to be for everyones enjoyment. You don't need to flip a shit over nothing.

burglarized 0
Glitterhinoceros 14

It's a good thing that she cared for her baby. But however, doing something without knowledge can sometimes also be more harmful than doing nothing. It's not this case, but still... never a good thing to do. And also, if she really cared about her baby, she'd listen to other people for the child's sake. I will never think of someone who did something like "I'd do this to my daughter no matter what other people say because I thought that I'm right" as a caring parent.

Holy shit! That wasn't supposed to happen. Well now I suppose you get my point. ?

JizzKhalifa 0

Being exposed to that kind of stuff is inevitable

Oops that was ment for 29...oh it was nvm