Brain wave

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my wife heard that Wi-Fi could be harmful for our newborn baby's undeveloped brain box. Her solution was to switch the Wi-Fi off on our laptops. She won't listen to the flaw in her plan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 798
You deserved it 3 283

Top comments

Did she live in a house with wifi when she was young?

palahniukpaul 6


RockstarRN 10

She's a mother and wants to do what is best for her baby. Give her a break! She's smarter than most dumb asses that don't give a shit what happens to their baby while pregnant.

perdix 29

What's the flaw in the plan -- that you idiots believe in "brain boxes?" If she props up her laptop on her swollen belly, she might want to turn off the Wi-Fi and plug in via Ethernet. It may be a hassle, but then again, if she minded her ports getting plugged, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place :D

I'm a bit stupid. And by a bit, I mean a lot. ROFL.

do you people not understand? the fml isn't that the wife turned his laptop's wifi off. it's that the latop has nothing to do with the "killer wifi rays penetrating the air in the house". smh. some of you commenters are just as dumb as the wife.

perdix 29

I understand and I can see why she might turn off her laptop's Wifi (I don't think it matters, personally), I don't see why his has to go. If anything, the effect could only be seen where the transmitter was very close to the fetus. A few inches away and there would be no danger.

Edit : ignore this comment, sorry about that.

The baby isn't in her belly jackasses!!!! He said newborn child!!!! The FML is the baby having a brain box nd the wife thinking that disabling the laptops stops the wifi

perdix 29

Oh, I read "unborn." So, sue me for reading too fast. At least, I don't believe in "brain boxes."

guitgod1 11

Why did 63 get voted down when he is right?

She makes me want to slap some sense in her.

Is this "pregnant brain" or was she like that before?

Acadania 0

LOL she would know because she has experienced. listen to her OP xD

ifbrockd 0

She dies know to turn off the wifi from the Internet box thing right? Lmao feel for you

jjames7543 13

Internet box thing? I believe it's called a router.

Some of you are unfortunately ridiculous. The flaw isn't that she wants to protect the "brain box", the flaw is that the computers only send much less than a fifth of the wi-fi signals you get in your apartments. The rest comes from your wireless internet modems and sometimes even your neighbour's. If your wife is really serious about this, suggest to turn off the wi-fi function in the internet modem and connect the computers by Ethernet cables.

I agree. The FML was supposed to be that his wife doesn't understand that the wifi signals originate from the router, not the computer. If she wants no wifi at all in the house she needs to turn off the wireless router (assuming no strong signals from neighbors). If she wants to protect a fetus from outgoing radiation in general, then yeah, no laptop on the lap. Or cell phone.

Thank you!!!! Ugh this is what everyone doesn't see.... And y does everyone think she's pregnant?!! It's says NEWBORN CHILD

Brain box? Hah. That's kinda cute I guess...

BiGD3317 0

better hide yo wives, hide yo kids, hide yo husbands cuz the WIFI is dumbing everybody down here

Am I the only one that realizes that the flaw is that the wifi is still on , just not connected on the laptops ?