Brutally honest

By thisucks - 28/01/2010 13:59 - Canada

Today, I went out on a date with a guy significantly older than myself. I told him I really liked him because I can have an intelligent conversation with him, unlike most guys my age. He told me he just wanted to get into my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 367
You deserved it 11 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KateeJo 0

At least he was straight forward? Now you don't have to waste any more time with him.


Umm, excuse me but I met my HUSBAND when I was 21 and he is significantly older than me. We are happily married and about to have our third child! Just because he starts off just wanting to hit it, doesn't mean he won't stay for the substance. I mean, all guys ever want, is to hit it at first. They have no other motivation!

jisaac09 25

hell, she figured it out.....

"They have no other motivation"? Wow, that's really insulting. Men are people, dammit, and they are capable of appreciating a person for more than their ******.

captainmaharet 1

Men stop all mental development around age thirteen.

goldfishsweetie 0

lol well it looks like he will never get a girl for long


Look on the bright side. At least he is honest!

penguinfighter 0

well no sex for you bad boy!

tacoman007 2

At least he's straight forward.

emotive_159 0

That is one of the many reasons why you don't date guys who are significantly older than you...

anela_fml 0

lol that's how my bf who's way older first thought I'm sure but little did he know he'd fall in love with me. I win :)

upshawty 0

dumbfuck, yeah obviously half guys you date that are significantly older have intentions of getting in your pants, you were the one dumb enough to even agree to going out with him, your mistake.

LovelyBizarre 0

Well this is great. Now that I have such an increased confidence in the male race, I think I'll just turn completely lesbian now.