Brutally honest

By thisucks - 28/01/2010 13:59 - Canada

Today, I went out on a date with a guy significantly older than myself. I told him I really liked him because I can have an intelligent conversation with him, unlike most guys my age. He told me he just wanted to get into my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 367
You deserved it 11 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KateeJo 0

At least he was straight forward? Now you don't have to waste any more time with him.


Guy + Older by 7 or more years = Wants only in your pants and you shouldn't be whining about it on FML. YDI, try someone your own age. Not all guys are babbling cavemen, you just gotta try and not go for the hot ones.

Vexlor 0

That's very stereotypical of you... Not ALL guys want sex, sex, and only sex.

jisaac09 25

No, but all guys do want sex and im not saying that they only want girls for sex, but they do want sex...... and just cause a guy is appealing to the eye doesnt mean that they cant carry on an intelligent conversation....

Don't be disheartened, OP. I'm in a relationship with a significantly older man, and contrary to what posters here are saying, not ALL older men will just be looking for a way into your pants. Will they want sex? Sure, everyone does. But that doesn't mean there won't also be men looking for an actual emotional connection. It's not your fault.

Wait you really thought he wanted to talk to you? Older men don't get younger women to talk. Geez.

Who want's to talk to an old coot, anyway? That's what your girlfriends are for, or the rare relationship with someone your own age.

YDI For being interested In someone way older than you and YDI for not giving him what he wants. Selfish.

wow he's a jerk. kinda like my bf. he told me that he loved me. immediately followed by "can I have sex with u now??". I'm 13 and he's 14

stormin972 0

He didn't waste anytime with the bullshit.

Older men only like younger women for the sex. This is a fact. Younger women only like older men because they have money. This is a fact. Cut the shit about "intelligent" conversations.