By Anonymous - 14/12/2009 05:15 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By washed - 11/10/2009 23:30 - United States
No good deed…
By Anonymous - 20/12/2024 23:00 - Ireland - Dublin
By Angry - 04/08/2009 20:21 - United States
By Lilie - 17/12/2008 10:25 - France
By Lililaloose - 24/12/2008 04:11 - France
By Anonymous - 31/01/2021 03:30
An Inconvenient Thief
By Satver7 - 10/03/2017 22:00
By Anonymous - 16/10/2010 09:57 - United States
By Daddy - 10/11/2008 12:06 - France
By Noname - 17/01/2009 13:31 - United States
Top comments
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Show it anywayExactly, if he doesn't have a backup then he's a total idiot.
How you uh, how you comin' on that novel you're working on? Huh? Gotta a big, uh, big stack of papers there? Gotta, gotta nice litte story you're working on there? Your big novel you've been working on for 3 years? Huh? Gotta, gotta compelling protaganist? Yeah? Gotta obstacle for him to overcome? Huh? Gotta story brewing there? Working on, working on that for quite some time? Huh? Yea, talking about that 3 years ago. Been working on that the whole time? Nice little narrative? Beginning, middle, and end? Some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends? At the end your main character is richer from the experience? Yeah? Yeah? No, no, you deserve some time off. plus I dont think he should be worried about back up...since USBs are typicaly used for backup
i love you hahahahaaa
I too love how you were able to make a comment I'd made almost word for word an hour beforehand. Such genius!
i gotta admit upon proper comparison... i love vegans more! (did i fix it n therefore keep attention away from the fact i rarely scroll down n read all the comments?)
the USB will still work 100%, electronic only breaks in water when electricity are running through them, dry it up carefully it's fine
You can just dry it off in the sun... don't use it for about a week so that it dries thoroughly, then it should work just fine. I really don't understand what all the fuss is about.
What's a USB stick?
YDI for not checkin all the pockets first
No, I think HE deserves it for not checking his own pockets.
He definitely deserves it for not looking in his pockets. If it was so crucial why leave it in pocket?
Yea read the fml, it says she picked it up and found it in HER laundry..
hmm... did you even check if it was stil working? it should work if you wait for the memory stick to dry completely inside before you test it again.... oh, and btw YDI
Don't you mean your ex-boyfriend?? ;)
Yeah, it should still work once it dries out (flash memory=no moving parts). Should be a lesson to your boyfriend, too—clean out your own damn pockets!
Sorry, but flash drives have, in my experience, proven to be waterproof. Also, I can't imagine his novel is any good anyway.
You can just dry it off in the sun... don't use it for about a week so that it dries thoroughly, then it should work just fine. I really don't understand what all the fuss is about.
Yeah, it should still work once it dries out (flash memory=no moving parts). Should be a lesson to your boyfriend, too—clean out your own damn pockets!