Bunged up

By Anonymous - 28/06/2013 03:57 - United States

Today, after months of incredibly painful stomach cramps, I convinced my mom that I needed to see a doctor. Not even 2 minutes into the exam, the doctor tells me that I'm heavily constipated and advised some "prune juice" to help "clear all that shit out". My mom won't stop laughing at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 706
You deserved it 5 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pwn17 25

Who gives a shit about what she thinks?

Well that was rather unprofessional of him. What kind of doctor talks rudely to his patients like that? *whistles innocently*


I had the exact same thing a few years ago. It sucks so bad to have terrible stomach pains only to find out you're literally so full of shit, it hurts. I've always been like that though, but now that I'm older, I notice it more, unlike when I was a kis.

hnsblue 14

I was constipated and had to get a colonoscopy so don't feel so bad

adam_tajyar 10

I would just take some stool softener you'll get the same result

kidsgotastinky 11

Did she think you were full of shit? Either way, the doctor confirmed it!

gatorgirl2669 6

damn when was the last time you took a pooh? i guess you arent regular? might wanna work on more fiber in the diet...

You couldn't figure that out for yourself? When you shit less than once a day it's pretty safe to say you're constipated and need to eat more fibre and drink more water.

The doctors at one hospital told me the same thing and after being pumped with laxatives & stool softeners & still no movement, the doctors at another hospital found a 13 cm cyst on my ovary which had to be removed due to being "dead"...