
By well SHIT - 27/02/2014 21:46 - United States - Little Elm

Today, while having a sneak through my brother's browser, I found a bookmark for a Google Docs file. It was a short story involving him horrifically killing our entire family. It ended with the words: "And that is what happens when people don't respect the author's privacy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 861
You deserved it 61 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hah, I'd say watch your back if your brother wasn't hilarious. Good on him.


So you have no problem with admitting that you look up to a potentially homicidal maniac. Congratulations.

Oh shut up. The story was clearly written to scare his snooping sister (the OP). And guess what, it worked. If she wasn't a snoop then there wouldn't have been a story. She deserved it.

Your brother probably knew you was going to snoop and wrote that to scare you or is a little crazy.

I still love how people think it's okay to snoop through people personal stuff but if someone did it to them all hell breaks loose. Smh.

FMLworthy5000 21

Plot twist! Your brother is a genius.

WD_Stevens 22

Bravo to your brother. That's genius!

olpally 32

Yeah, have respect for other people's privacy, especially family. He got you good. Lol. YDI moron.

Well you're screwed I really hope he was joking

why would he kill the entire family for your intrusion?

I think he kills the entire family because he has no way of knowing which one is currently reading the story (therefore which of the family is snooping through his stuff). It's a bit like when the teacher punishes the whole class because no one will admit to putting a tack in her chair.

#43. ah sounds reasonable. for some reason I just assumed OPs brother knew who was snooping.