
By well SHIT - 27/02/2014 21:46 - United States - Little Elm

Today, while having a sneak through my brother's browser, I found a bookmark for a Google Docs file. It was a short story involving him horrifically killing our entire family. It ended with the words: "And that is what happens when people don't respect the author's privacy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 861
You deserved it 61 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hah, I'd say watch your back if your brother wasn't hilarious. Good on him.


Whoops. I hope there is a lesson to be learned here.

looks like you arent actually very sneaky.

I must say that is pure brilliance. I must go and do the same now. Hope you enjoyed invading an author's privacy! ;D

29, I cannot find the button that says "There's a button for that." Is there a button for this too?

pwnman 33

Your brother inspired me to make something like this

I hope you learned something from this.

Sounds like you do this sort of thing habitually, and are none too subtle about it, either. Mind your own business and stop snooping through your brother's shit. The only thing I'm left wondering is why he hasn't password-protected his computer.

The same reason I don't put a password on my stuff when I know someone is snooping in my shit. It's a hidden trap.

It might also be an account on a shared family computer and their parents don't let them put passwords up.

GamerPerson 19

Why, where's the fun in that? If it was password protected, we wouldn't have this lovely FML now, would we? :) And on that note, YDI, OP! Thanks for the laugh though! :)

your going to go missing and your brother will be helping himself to another ear of corn while thinking " I am sure in time every bit of you will be gone and your death will be a mystery... even to me"