
By well SHIT - 27/02/2014 21:46 - United States - Little Elm

Today, while having a sneak through my brother's browser, I found a bookmark for a Google Docs file. It was a short story involving him horrifically killing our entire family. It ended with the words: "And that is what happens when people don't respect the author's privacy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 861
You deserved it 61 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hah, I'd say watch your back if your brother wasn't hilarious. Good on him.


Literally just finished watching "You're Next". This sounds eerily similar. O.O

toastedbagel14 3

Sleep with both eyes open from now on.

Yikes well it's been nice knowing you existed OP time for you to die

YawMoney 14

It's someone's behavior in the family and he knows it. He expected you to see and not be able to talk about it

Please explain why you would be snooping about, I'm sure we all are very curious as to why.

your brother is smart. he is sneakier than you. he had it allll planned out.

He needs help. You should share this with your parents so they know what's going on in your brother's mind.