Butter fingers

By SplashOuch - 05/01/2010 17:58 - United States

Today, I was walking out of Starbucks when I sneezed, causing coffee to burn my nose. I screamed, dropped it, and sent scorching coffee all over my legs, while dropping everything else I was holding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 955
You deserved it 7 198

Same thing different taste


And here is a valuable lesson for everyone: Whatever you do, DO NOT let go of the cup of hot coffee.

You're in America. Sue the hell out of them for your own stupidity.

Haha that sucks! Thats why you get cold coffee...there is never any problems with that =) Can i see your burn scars? lol jk

livinthefridge13 1

Well it seems like *puts shades on* weve got a hot story! YEAHHHHHH

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

Damn, all that good coffee, wasted :p

iBiteRoses 22

I clicked YDI because you said "scortching" You know, there's such a thing as spellcheck... :

missalice0306 19

Let's hope you didn't try to sue Starbucks like that old lady did with Micky Ds

tsent8 15

If I've learned one thing from McDonald's it's that you can sue over hot coffee *doo doo doo doo the more you know*

furubafan74 18

Only if you get third degree burns and they refuse to pay your medical bills.