Butter fingers

By SplashOuch - 05/01/2010 17:58 - United States

Today, I was walking out of Starbucks when I sneezed, causing coffee to burn my nose. I screamed, dropped it, and sent scorching coffee all over my legs, while dropping everything else I was holding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 955
You deserved it 7 198

Same thing different taste


I'm sorry and ouch. starbucks and sneezing can sometimes be dangerous

YDI for drinking coffee; soda is a much less "scortching" caffeine delivery system.

Yeah, except for people like me who can't drink soda because of the carbonation.

@32 I drink "soda" in the morning, in the form of carbonated energy drinks If I had seen that happen I would have laughed soo hard

YDI for sneezing into your drink. If you can't be bothered to cover your face, at least aim to the side!

More like an F Your Day then FYL.... not giving this one to u

Most posts on this site are people complaining about the little things that ruin their day not their entire lives. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's what this site is supposed to be about.

Normal people don't sneeze into their coffee, they lower the coffee first. Dumb.

palmtrees 1

Normal people also probably know that "scortching" isn't a word.

The only question now is rather or not you just don't believe scorching is a word or if you believe that "scortching" isn't a word due to a misspelling.

palmtrees 1

No, I'm fine with scorching. It's just the extraneous 't' that I object to.

Good, I was worried we had another idiot on our hands ;)

Snickerdoodlez 0

Wow, you got burned alive by coffee just because you sneezed... FYL!

It's a good thing you weren't drinking COUGHee. ...