Can't win

By Jobless - 12/03/2009 09:01 - Malaysia

Today, my boss wanted to promote me to a managerial position. I declined the position, saying that I don't think I'm ready and experienced enough for that role. I was then fired instead for not accepting the promotion. I was fired for being honest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 728
You deserved it 26 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would anyone in their right mind deny themselves a promotion? You doughnut.

UltimateIdiot911 0

You deserved it. You weren't fired for being honest, you were fired because you fail to take charge. If you didn't feel ready you should have accepted it and ask for training. Obviously your former boss asked you because he feels you are ready, so what you did is a slap in his face.


#17 I agree, as long as your happy with your life who am I to say you shouldn't. But honestly, like 115 wouldn't it have been better to say that you're happy where you are instead of saying I'm not ready? No one waits for you to be ready. You either keep up with everything, or lose your job. Like #15, he's good as he job, and he's happy with it. But the point is that #15 knows what's going on. Instead of saying you're not ready, the OP should have just explained that he/she didn't want the job and that s/he was happy where they were. Saying that they don't think their ready means the potential in holding back the company. And I just really disagree with the fact that she got fired for being honest. She didn't get fired for being honest. She got fired because she just admitted she couldn't keep up with the shifting times.

zebendyone 0

Wow. See, I'm agreeing with a lot of the people here. That just showed a lack of confidence and leadership skilled. So, while your boss thought you were ready for the job BEFORE.. after you said that, he didn't think you were ready anymore. You never know until you try.

wrestler_fml 0

You're a clown. You should have just accepted the damn job. Who the hell denies themselves a promotion?! In the future, HAVE AMBITION to go along with your hard work!!! What's the point of even going to work if you don't have the self-confidence to accept a raise in money and responsibility?

NinjaToaster 0

you got fired for being an idiot

fcuk_fml 0

not to bum you out even more, but are you an idiot?! he wanted to give you a PROMOTION while other ppl are getting fired and looking for jobs left and right. #25 is right, you got fired for being an idiot above all.

It's initiative. You were fired because you've just proven that you're unable to take the reins when handed to you. What if the people above you left, and you needed to fill the role?

As other people have said. It's possible that they already had a replacement for you so with you turning down the promotion they had no choice to fire you. Another thought is that it's possible your current position was being eliminated and they wanted to keep you on so they promoted you but since you turned it down they had to fire you since your position was gone

Assmilk 0

HAHA sucks to be you. Now go wait in the unemployment line bitch.