Can't win

By Jobless - 12/03/2009 09:01 - Malaysia

Today, my boss wanted to promote me to a managerial position. I declined the position, saying that I don't think I'm ready and experienced enough for that role. I was then fired instead for not accepting the promotion. I was fired for being honest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 728
You deserved it 26 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would anyone in their right mind deny themselves a promotion? You doughnut.

UltimateIdiot911 0

You deserved it. You weren't fired for being honest, you were fired because you fail to take charge. If you didn't feel ready you should have accepted it and ask for training. Obviously your former boss asked you because he feels you are ready, so what you did is a slap in his face.


No he fired u bcoz u can't do anything, YDI

Clearly, OP must have been doing SOMETHING or he wouldn't have been offered a promotion in the first place.

mhinaj 0

that's stupid. U desereved to be fired

i hate people like you, god damn it stand up for yourself & say it wasnt ******* fair that you got fired for no reason, im pretty sure you can sue for that you know.

YDI. You shut the door on a great opportunity.

the promotion must not have came with a raise for you to turn it down

notsofriendly 17

You were fired for saying no to an opportunity... the only reason to refuse would be if you were really happy where you are.