Can't win

By Jobless - 12/03/2009 09:01 - Malaysia

Today, my boss wanted to promote me to a managerial position. I declined the position, saying that I don't think I'm ready and experienced enough for that role. I was then fired instead for not accepting the promotion. I was fired for being honest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 728
You deserved it 26 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would anyone in their right mind deny themselves a promotion? You doughnut.

UltimateIdiot911 0

You deserved it. You weren't fired for being honest, you were fired because you fail to take charge. If you didn't feel ready you should have accepted it and ask for training. Obviously your former boss asked you because he feels you are ready, so what you did is a slap in his face.


Wait, why should you care if he denied a damn promotion? Theres no law stating people HAVE to accept promotions!

draccon136 0

"Actually, on second thought, I think I'll take it..."

OP, you're afraid of success, it's okay, there are a lot of people that are.

ur "promotion" was just a back up plan your boss fired somebody cusz they thot they cud b replaced with you seeing that failed he fired u in frustration it's not yor fault so dont feel guilty about it *Live*Love*Laugh* 3L

im surprised no-ones mentioned unfair dismissal, you can't fire some one without a justifiable reason, sue the bastard

babishka 0

Your boss is an asshole. Why would he fire someone who was obviously a good enough employee to be offered a promotion? I think it was great of you to deny it and I think your ex boss sucks.

I cried laughing at your stupidity.

did it ever occur to you that the author has a life? and that maybe she didn't want the promotion because she didn't want the extra hours. you can't be fired for declining a promotion. that's not fair. and to all of you that said she was stupid: you're jerks and are probably greedy losers who have nothing better to do than work.

I agree with #28 here, especially in light of the state of the economy. That was a foolish move. Even though you weren't ready, you could've gone into an explanation or at least said that you wanted training. It's most likely that they were trying to keep you hired while sending others to the chopping block. To be offered a promotion now would be a dream come true for many who are going in the opposite direction getting their hours cut or losing their jobs entirely. My ex boyfriend is a top analyst at Deutsche Bank and has just learned he won't have a job in May because it's going to be outsourced to some dude in India most likely.