Can't win

By Jobless - 12/03/2009 09:01 - Malaysia

Today, my boss wanted to promote me to a managerial position. I declined the position, saying that I don't think I'm ready and experienced enough for that role. I was then fired instead for not accepting the promotion. I was fired for being honest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 728
You deserved it 26 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would anyone in their right mind deny themselves a promotion? You doughnut.

UltimateIdiot911 0

You deserved it. You weren't fired for being honest, you were fired because you fail to take charge. If you didn't feel ready you should have accepted it and ask for training. Obviously your former boss asked you because he feels you are ready, so what you did is a slap in his face.


arienh4 0

#36 I was thinking the exact same thing.

blinkingstarlet 15

i disagree with pretty much everyone who says never turn down a promotion, etc. i'd rather get fired for saying "i don't feel right for that job" than getting fired because i didn't do well enough at my job. and i don't think it's legal (in the u.s. anyway) for anyone to get fired because they turn down a promotion. some people just aren't cut out for certain jobs. for example i could never be a manager. i cannot delegate responsibilities. i, personally, would take on all the responsibility and go crazy.

blinkingstarlet 15

excellent point #40. except for the greedy losers comment, i absolutely agree. lol

der_Jabberwhock 0

I don't know... Some job promotions just aren't worth taking. I'm friends with a couple people who work at Wal-Mart as an assisstant manager and a department manager. Hearing them talk about it, it seems like more stress than you need. A LOT more. I guess you just have to do a bit of research and find out what you're getting into before you take the plunge. Sorry for ya. Good luck searchin for a new job.

That's what you get for being retarded! At least you made room for someone who cares about their career.

samba6970 0

some promotion comes with no pay increase and extreme working hours or sometimes having to move to remote areas.....and the way the OP says's not like he cannot handle the job ever....more like he is not ready yet.....he wants to learn is that a bad thing?...well if he accept the job...did badly and get fired he wouldn't lose much...but he didn't know about that at that time....right?...:)