
By Anonymous - 14/03/2014 04:06 - Canada - London

Today, I finally gave in to my long-distance boyfriend's requests and texted him dirty things. Any time I would send him something, he would reply, "What?" or "What do you mean?" Either I'm not doing this right, or I'm in a relationship with the most innocent person ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 035
You deserved it 7 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He wants dirty texts? Send him a picture of mud, maybe he'll understand that. Quite dirty if I do say so myself.

m22100 14

Maybe you should send pics, that's more clear. ;)


agsilver 14

Of course, he could be in a relationship with the kinkiest girl possible

sing it anyway. he probably was joking. if he gives you a hard time then he's not worth it.

Ali_Br_fml 33

Darn, you posted on the wrong FML. BUT you still gave good advice... If she spent that much time working on the song for him, why waste it?

Ali_Br_fml 33

Ok, start talking about dirty laundry, mud, dirt and worms, and that dirty car you saw while you were walking home, and other"dirty" things. If he really got what you were saying before, and asks you to go back to what you were talking about before, you know he's either just pulling your leg, or was trying to get you to be more descriptive... ~~~ Or you can have him go first with the texting ("ok, you first"), and you can see what he wants to talk about, and how he prefers things to be worded, then you can word your things similarly, and be as descriptive as he is being.

You know, you could avoid all the confusion and just pick up the phone.

RedPillSucks 31

and use it to send dirty text. That's what she's been doing. :-)

Either way you love him that's all that really matters

Could be either, Message me and we can get to the bottom of this B)

BellaBelle_fml 23

Well that isn't creepy at all...

This isn't 9gag bro, you won't get upvoted and called "smooth" here.

Well, it could be either... Maybe you need to sit down with him and actually talk about what he doesn't understand. Then you can get a clear understanding of the issue. If you're doing it wrong, you can correct things, but imagine the fun you'd have if he really is that innocent. You get to educate him! Why don't you respond here and give us all a few examples of what you've been sending him, I'm sure everyone in here could offer you some tips...

Hahaha that's hilarious, made my morning... Innocent lovers, u guys gonna have a good laugh abt it in future!!!

Epikouros 31

Are you sure you texted your boyfriend?