Cat fight club

By anonymous - 14/12/2010 11:52 - United States

Today, I went to feed my neighbor's cat while he was out of town. The cat was sick, so part of my job was to give it a pill each time I came. Cats don't like swallowing pills. My neighbor forgot to mention that his cat wasn't declawed. I was wearing shorts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 554
You deserved it 6 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely you should assume that all cats have claws until proven otherwise?

Is it the norm for cats to be "declawed" over there? How mean.


Easy solution: stop having sex and masturbating, and you'll no longer have to give the cat that pill.

@106: Exactly what does that have to do with anything?

It's actually quite easy to feed a cat a pill if you know how. All you need is big enough hands. If you're right-handed, take the pill in the right hand, between thumb and index finger. Kneel down beside the cat. Hold its head/upper neck with your left hand, as if you were stroking the cat. Now you use your left thumb and left middle finger to pry open the jaws of the cat by pressing/wriggling/working gently at its corners of the mouth (thumb on the right side, middle finger on the left side). This way, you can hold the whole cat in place while having control about its mouth. Also, it can't scratch you, because your arm is out of its reach. When the mouth is open, push the prepared pill in quickly with your right index finger. See to it that you don't hurt the cat, and that you push the pill in deep enough that the cat can't reach it with the tongue to push it out again. The quicker you are, the less stressful this is for the cat. If you're experienced, this takes less than a second. Apologize to the cat after this ordeal, and you may stay friends. Also, I think declawing is barbaric. Your cat won't be able to defend itself against other cats, dogs or people trying to feed it pills. It's only fair game.

It sucks that you got scratched and everything, but like some other people have been saying -- why would you assume a cat's been declawed? That's not their default state, you know. How would you feel if your fingernails were surgically excised? Ugh.

Why would you just assume that the cat was declawed?

Mars_Bars_Big_Na 0

it's winter time bud. let's act like were not 8 and check a possibly dangerous animal for it's main defensive weapon.

Why would ANYONE assume a cat was declawed?

katherose 1

Why on earth would you assume that the cat's owners had its first knuckle removed on every toe?