
By freakofnature - 31/03/2012 16:17 - United States - Valparaiso

Today, I visited my new doctor, hoping that he would be able to figure out the cause of the pains I've been having for years. He told me there's nothing he can do, that half the drugs out there cause cancer anyway and that I should look into homeopathy. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 629
You deserved it 2 400

Same thing different taste

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If you had come to see me, I'd tell you that the cause of your pain is FML commenters making stupid comments, making the same grammatical errors repeatedly, and failing to learn from mistakes. No wait, that's where MY headaches are coming from. Nevermind.


sacredeye73 11

I see a herbalist for my pain management. After being on very addictive pin medication for several years, I was amazed to find that something as simple as rosemary, holy basil, an lavender could treat my fibromyalgia and post traumatic stress symptoms.

I know. Everyone who is bashing it hasn't tried it, I don't take most artificial medicines anymore.

To quote Tim Minchin "Do you know what they call alternative medicine that works? ... Medicine."

X_Codes 11

@18: That's pretty much just chemotherapy for cancer, which actually isn't that crazy of an idea if you look at the information known by doctors when they developed that particular treatment. On the other hand, pretty much all the stuff that's come off patent that's not intended to alter your mood or sleeping patterns is very well researched and effective, although there are plenty of newer drugs that pretty much don't do anything at all. On the other hand, homeopathic medicine is practiced by people who don't know crap about crap. The best homeopathic medicine pretty much just makes you feel so awful that by the time you're over the effects, you feel better even if you're still sick.

DrBlack 9

I don't normally post reply's even on the most stupid of things that make me angry but if your seeing a doctor who genuinely advises you to try homeopathy then he should be struck off the medical association list and you should look for someone else. This isn't even slightly joking, homeopathy is one of the biggest shams ever thought up by desperate semi-intellectuals trying to make money off the ignorance of the general public.

Actually no, thats the ******* adictive painkillers you take that destroy your liver and give you cancer. Homeopathy and the use of plants and herbs have been around forever. I feel that some of the homeopathy is bullshit, but a decent amount works, and doesn't **** you up.

Did anyone else skip the comment above me because it was way too long??

Homeopathy works....I grew up with it. Using alternative natural medicine are better for you. Why not give it a try before crying FML... if it didn't work you could say FML, but you haven't even given it a chance so. You're just an idiot.

Oh, so not believing in his crackpot and not following your advice automatically makes OP an idiot?

You say that homeopathic "medicine" works and you're calling OP an idiot Ô mon dieu, I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time

ManUrLifeSucks 1

Lol he is right about more than half the drugs causing more problems then they solve... Has any1 ever listened to the side affects of the medicine u see on tv?

"I've got diarrhea, nausea and severe headaches...but at least my elbow feels better!"

Watch an ambien commercial I actually say "I'd rather be depressed than have all of this shit happen to me."

Did anyone else think that the comment above me was made by an idiot?

Well as much as that sucks he should have looked into it even though it is true prescription drugs most of them do cause cancers and other health issues but some health issues weigh out others

"it is true prescription drugs most of them do cause cancers" My facepalm should be heard around my neighborhood. Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?

watch the documentary "forks over knives" it's pretty eye opening

CrassKal 27

I had pain and inflammation in my eyes for years. After seeing several optometrists, it finally took seeing a rheumatologist (joint doctor) to identify my condition. Good luck, OP, consider thinking outside to box in terms of doctors.