
By freakofnature - 31/03/2012 16:17 - United States - Valparaiso

Today, I visited my new doctor, hoping that he would be able to figure out the cause of the pains I've been having for years. He told me there's nothing he can do, that half the drugs out there cause cancer anyway and that I should look into homeopathy. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 638
You deserved it 2 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you had come to see me, I'd tell you that the cause of your pain is FML commenters making stupid comments, making the same grammatical errors repeatedly, and failing to learn from mistakes. No wait, that's where MY headaches are coming from. Nevermind.


You should try homeopathy OP. Especially if nothing else is working

I can guarantee you, with absolute certainly, homeopathy will not actually help.

Homeopathy is the treatment of the inability to google the word "homeopathy"

slimjim8094 12

If homeopathy worked, ordinary tap water would cure everyone of everything, because the water would "remember" the shape of the active ingredients it's encountered over the last few billion years and only be strengthened by dilution

68 It is absolute bullshit /discussion

That's when I would of informed that 'new Doc' that he was FIRED! There are good Pain Management DRs out there that can honestly help you. Don't give up... & good luck!

crackz12 10

Hes right. Western medicine sucks, pharmaceutical industry pumps chemicals in your body that either kill everything in your body hoping to kill the bad shit too or just try and block the symptoms overlooking the root problems. Alternative medicine is best. Good doctor.

Interesting refference. I dont see how it applies here though. . . .

Did you know ibuprofen comes from the willow tree? Homeopathic medicine was the first medicine after all... Unless you'd rather have the cancer and hormonal defects.

Ibuprofen's got nothing to do with homeopathy. If it did, you'd be diluting it so much there'd be nothing left, then you'd say "oh my god, homeopathy works!" when the headache or inflammation went away naturally after a short time. Troll harder, fuckface.

Crazberry - First of all, ibuprofen is completely synthetic, derived from propanoic acid. The medicine extracted from willow bark is aspirin. Secondly, do you have any idea what homeopathy is? I'll give you a hint - it is NOT using medicine that are derived from plants. Please, before you look even more uninformed, go look it up.

Forgive me, Holy One, I've been up since 4AM. I think that and 8 hours at work (without a break) excuses occasional stupidity, don't you? And if you still think I'm permanently retarded, at least I don't have "holla" tattooed on my lower lip.

Ibuprofen comes from a willow tree? I guess car parts fall out of the sky too? Diamonds are grown like vegetables? Aspirin comes from willow trees. Duh.

Oh wait, 26, get your bottle while I call up the Wah-mbulance. Want some cheese with that whine? Eight hours — even without a break — is nothing compared to a 14 hour shift constantly on your feet and moving. STFU.

ssnowywinter 0

Exhaustion seems to be a typical excuse for dumb comments... if you're really so tired that you're not thinking straight, just go to sleep or don't comment at all.

I smell another conspiracy theory here. You forgot the fact that most surgeries are unnecessary and we only do it to make money. Don't forget that.

You definitely should get a 2nd opinion, I have chronic pain so I know how hard that is, at least it wasn't like what a doctor told me and my mom, she said that my pain was all in my head and I needed a psychiatrist, and then she told my mom she needed to be hospitalized because she was 'buying into my pain' and it was really upsetting her. Anyways, we never went to her again! So a 2nd opinion will be good

I think that was OP's second opinion. Maybe a third is in order. :)

Nedryel_fml 4

Do not mistake "homeopathic" and "natural". Homeopathic is based on the belief that water has the near magic power to get the medical effects of things it gets in contact with even after it's no longer with it. It's about putting one dose of medecine into hundreds of doses of water, so that in one pill out of a hundred there may be one actual medical molecule, and in the rest, things that have only been in contact with it. Natural medecine on the other hand is only remedies made out of plants. Get your facts straight :p

Well hes right. Its better to try a home remedy than take pills/medicine. He shouldve told you what to make or do though..

#30-- No. Pills are better than home remedies. Why do you think one is called "medicine" and the other is called "alternative medicine"?

"Home remedy" is not the same as homeopathy. Please look it up.

Both homeopathic and other natural remedies can be very effective. I have been treated with both for most if my life and can only confirm that they do work. It does however really depend on the extent and cause of your pain. Acupuncture can also have really good effects. Don't blow it til you've tried it. And definitely find another doctor if yours has failed to find the cause!!

#31-- Yeah, anecdotal evidence is totally true! I once used anecdotal evidence in my argument, and it turned out I was right! Also, I once had a cold until I tripped down a flight of stairs. I have therefore concluded that the cure to the common cold is blunt trauma.

51: no need to be rude. I'm also a firm believer that God put things on this earth to help us survive, including medicines from nature. I just don't shove my beliefs down other people's need to bash someone for their beliefs. (and yes I know this is fml and arguments are going to be started I just felt this needed to be said :) )

#65-- I'm not bashing you for your beliefs, I'm bashing you for using a logical fallacy in justifying your beliefs. :) Look up "anecdotal evidence" if you still don't understand.

sorry I forgot that free thinking and agreeing to disagree isn't allowed here.. I like natural (NOT homeopathic, yes I know the difference) remedies for certain things but I also know that a lot of things can't be treated naturally. the antibiotics I had to take last year weren't natural and I was fine with that. I wish people could just let others have their opinions without getting all over them about it. okay, end of rant

"sorry I forgot that free thinking and agreeing to disagree isn't allowed here.." "I wish people could just let others have their opinions without getting all over them about it." Wha...? You responded to ME first, not the other way around. You shouldn't complain. I don't care what you believe as long as you're only messing with your own life, but when you try to justify it with logical fallacies, that pisses me off. You can believe it, but you should at least acknowledge that what you believe is based in faith, not logic.... And you didn't respect my opinion that blunt trauma cures colds. Hypocrite!

Please do explain how Michaelsgirl made a logical fallacy. Philosophy student much?

saksxalmo You CANNOT argue with a woman using logic everybody knows that Yes their argument sucks and their beliefs are stupid with no basis but you can't use logic in an argument with a female, it almost never works.