
By freakofnature - 31/03/2012 16:17 - United States - Valparaiso

Today, I visited my new doctor, hoping that he would be able to figure out the cause of the pains I've been having for years. He told me there's nothing he can do, that half the drugs out there cause cancer anyway and that I should look into homeopathy. Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 625
You deserved it 2 398

Same thing different taste

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If you had come to see me, I'd tell you that the cause of your pain is FML commenters making stupid comments, making the same grammatical errors repeatedly, and failing to learn from mistakes. No wait, that's where MY headaches are coming from. Nevermind.


Matty1188 6

Actually OP, his comments are worth considering. Try a plant-based diet and look into holistic ways to help yourself. You may be amazed at how much better you feel.

Since it was a doctor that you haven't been to before and you were talking about pain, they may have thought that you were drug-seeking and that's why they suggested an alternative therapy. If you go back again and let them know that you're not there for drugs, but to find out what the cause of the pain is then they might be more helpful.

maxamus951852 3

Is this guy related to Robert Bales? Because it sounds like he's snapped! :P

I highly recommend seeing an internal medicine physician. They (in my experience) tend to be more thorough than others

kkessler01 4

Cherry tablets and juice can really help with muscle pain also medical weed could be an option.

Alex_Lima 2

He's telling you that you have a somataform disorder, which is to say, that the pain has no physical cause and that its all in your head. See a therapist.

aaahhhfire21 0

This post just wouldn't have been complete without docbastard posting something

slimjim8094 12

To be fair, homeopathy is literally nothing, so it's pretty unlikely it would have any side-effects. It's sugar pills or sterile water with a statistically-unlikely chance of containing a molecule or two of the active ingredient. But it's OK; the water "remembers" the molecule and it works Seriously. It's utter nonsense that only gets stupider the more you understand the claims

Chinese medicine. Just try it. Its amazing. Or weed. Haha