Checked out

By for fucks sake gramps - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Mililani

Today, I was at the store with my grandpa. When we were rung up, he started to pay for our myriad groceries in coins, and the guy behind us groaned. My grandpa said, "Shut your mouth," and started ranting about how stupid people are to leave paper trails for "government spooks." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 743
You deserved it 2 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh Grandpa, are you still taking your medication?

PleaseStayChill 9

Yes, because $1 bills are completely in our imaginations.


Someone's been watching to much of Fox News

From someone who actually pays attention to their arguments...**** off. If you're supposed to be tolerant, then you better damn well be tolerant. But don't listen to me. I'm the only damn cons on this site, and I'm 16. The **** do I know?

There's no reason to be "tolerant" of pure, unadulterated bullshit, whether it comes from FOX, CNN, or whatever. Guy made a harmless little joke and you had to come along and turn it political. Nobody with a brain gives even half a shit whether you're a conservative or not. Get real. You're not that important.

I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that mr 54 is deep in a Faux Nooz induced coma. I haven't heard anyone defend that channel so passionately in years...

perdix 29

You're grandpa's an idiot. The government just as easily harvests your DNA off of coins to track your spending, locations and habits. The only way to maintain freedom is bartering. Dumb old ****!

ImmaB3AST 7

Your*. I just corrected Perdix!

30- CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Now were did I put that **** I was about to give?

KiddNYC1O 20

33- Why so dramatic? That was a legit correction. Especially with the irony involved in perdix's comment.

perdix 29

#30, yep, you got me! Frankly, I'm surprised I don't screw up more often. Good catch, though.

Let this be a reminder to me since I'm new: every comment I make cannot have a spelling mistake...

38- Yeah sorry about that, in hind sight that was neither funny nor very intelligent.

olpally 32

Love the username op... Just laugh it off, Grandmas and Grandpas are hilarious in their old age. They always complain about everything anyways. Lol

OhDearBetrayal 25

"Oh dear, help! I think I might have broken my hip." "Hahaha, grandma stop. You're too funny, honestly:')."

olpally 32

24- *golfers clap* well done. Lol.

Gramps needs a nice long rest in a place with padded walls and tight jackets.

Sounds like a nice warm relaxing place. Can I come too?

Well now when the government tracks down your grandpa from this FML post he'll only have you to blame, asshole.

Sorry for you and the cashier, dealing with grandpa. Old people are set in their ways. There's really no chance he'll change his pattern of thinking.

dirton89 7

The fact that he wasn't afraid to blurt out "shut your mouth" to someone makes your grandad epic right there..

Hells yes, you TELL that som'bitch behind you!