Checked out

By for fucks sake gramps - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Mililani

Today, I was at the store with my grandpa. When we were rung up, he started to pay for our myriad groceries in coins, and the guy behind us groaned. My grandpa said, "Shut your mouth," and started ranting about how stupid people are to leave paper trails for "government spooks." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 743
You deserved it 2 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh Grandpa, are you still taking your medication?

PleaseStayChill 9

Yes, because $1 bills are completely in our imaginations.


Haha, when I was 12, I saved up a bunch of change and used it to buy a Gameboy Color. The checkout lady at Walmart was PISSED. That was SO much fun. :D

as long as it's paid for...the other guy can go to another register if needed...

hateevryone 14

Going out with your grandpa would be an adventure.

Am I the only one who noticed that ,elderly people talk alot about the government?

At least he was just talking about that bogus govt. he's right they are tracking you, they are tracking you right now.....* door breaks down

Sounds like gramps found the vodka stash..

Sounds like gramps found the vodka stash..

why do elderly people talk so much about the government? ._.

Reminds me of somebody I used to know, he refused to have cable TV at home because "the government will use it to look in on you". My question what the government could possibly want to see in the living room of an 85-year-old guy was ignored in a very pointed manner. ;^>

TheComputerGuy96 16