Checked out

By for fucks sake gramps - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Mililani

Today, I was at the store with my grandpa. When we were rung up, he started to pay for our myriad groceries in coins, and the guy behind us groaned. My grandpa said, "Shut your mouth," and started ranting about how stupid people are to leave paper trails for "government spooks." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 743
You deserved it 2 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh Grandpa, are you still taking your medication?

PleaseStayChill 9

Yes, because $1 bills are completely in our imaginations.


EnigmaThe321 12

Your grandpa reminds me of Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino.

Clint Eastwood rocks in Gran Torino!

kissme2night 5

That's right! Stick it to the Man!

Well it is true. Why else do we have cameras that can see you clearly at 75 miles an hour as if you were just at a cross walk. Now all cell phones go through the government and are screened for certain words or phrases. And all have locators on them and now most newer cars do as well

Old people all have government conspiracies... Product of the 60's

Soooo...that guy must have some stories about them government guys...

Hahaha! An awesome government conspiricy theroy!

wrecklesswfire 3