
By Jane - 07/12/2009 10:33 - United States

Today, I found out the weekly coffee talks my husband was having with his ex-girlfriend stopped involving coffee about 2 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 847
You deserved it 21 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It took you how many years to realize that private meetings between him and his ex could be a problem?

mari3644 0

Why was he even having "talks" with his ex girlfriend??


Erindub 0

And that's why you don't let your husband hang out alone with other women... especially exes. FYL though. Nothing excuses what your husband did.

she is not to BLAME. Blaming someone means it is their fault. It is NEVER a person's fault if their partner cheats on them. Yes, you might contribute to the problem, but the partner doing the cheating is fully able to make their own decisions, and in this case, HE DECIDED to cheat, she did not force him to. If they had problems in their marriage he was fully capable of bringing them up with his wife and attempting to fix them, which he obviously didn't do. Yes, the wife was naive for allowing these coffee dates, but the husband was fully capable of not going and consequently not cheating, but he CHOSE NOT TO. HIS FAULT.

I'm sorry, but my wife and I have an open relationship, but bells and whistles would go off if she wanted to go hang out with her ex...

wow... you let that happen for more than 2 years and didn't get suspicious?!?!? dumbass...

athame1983 0

YDI for allowing ur husband to have a weekly coffee date w his ex and not being the least bit suspicious about it

YDI for actually trusting your husband alone with his ex.

horse_lvr96 0

u shuld b able to trust ur spouse!

racistmexican 0

I don't see a problem here he was just satisfying his needs