
By Jane - 07/12/2009 10:33 - United States

Today, I found out the weekly coffee talks my husband was having with his ex-girlfriend stopped involving coffee about 2 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 847
You deserved it 21 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It took you how many years to realize that private meetings between him and his ex could be a problem?

mari3644 0

Why was he even having "talks" with his ex girlfriend??


YDI for consenting to him meeting with his ex on a weekly basis. I don't care how much you trust your spouse, I think that kind of stuff is unacceptable.

papergiraffes 0

If the poster made a FML about checking her husband's email to see if he was cheating on her on these weekly coffee visits, or if the husband made a FML about his wife not trusting him for weekly coffee visits with his ex- she'd be called a psycho bitch with trust issues. I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm sure you've had tons of fights with your husband over if you should be able to trust him or not.

redshortsx 0

why the hell would you let your husband do that?

YDI for 1. not satisfying your husband, and 2. letting him see his ex.. In conclusion you fail in life

bleh some inbred new yorker, what else do you expect?

you must be from the good part then :D *oops!* lol

Look, yeah, it was a bit naive of her to think nothing was going on, but look at it the other way: if she had complained, she would have been labeled jealous and possessive. She clearly thought she could trust her husband and it backfired. And it is possible for a guy and his ex to be JUST FRIENDS. I'm still in touch with my ex, we're really good friends. He's had several girlfriends since we broke up. Just because we meet up occassionally doesn't mean he's cheating on his girlfriend with me. To the OP - divorce him, NOW. And take half of everything. He's deserves it, 100%.

Bsane 0

Why you never sat down on one of these coffee dates? I guess then they would had really had one, lol YDI.

anubisaon 0
CJ090 0

Really? U allowed this? How dumb are u this is what the internet is for if he wants 2 casually talk 2 his ex tell him 2 message her on MySpace write on her wall on Facebook E-mail txt tweet or the phone or skype dam ur an idiot

CJ090 0

Dude this is FML not English 101 @ Yale spelling and grammer don't really matter u douchebag