Classic Mom moment

By me - 28/06/2013 15:51 - United States

Today, I went to my parents' house. I recently lost about 30 lbs. My mom hugged me and said, "Aww, you're not my chubby baby girl anymore." She then said she wished I were still fat because she missed it. She's the reason I lost the weight; she used to tease and taunt me. Thanks Mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 620
You deserved it 4 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's odd. You are probably beautiful either way, though.

ItsAnanya 25

Look at this way, YOU LOST 30lbs! If I loose like 3lbs I break out into like this mini celebratory dance . End up stuffing my face full of food and gain like 6lbs -.-


I feel like this is everyone's mom. My mom is sure like that

It sounds like your mother has some personal insecurities that she was projecting on to you with the teasing. She 'misses' having that outlet to make her feel better about herself, and will likely find something else to give you a hard time about now that the extra weight is gone. I know it's difficult, but if you can work towards emotionally divorcing yourself from her opinion of you, you will be better off in the long run.

shibeep 12

She's probably jealous. Hell knowing my mother and the way she is good job and keep giving her the low blow

As long as you're happy with your weight it doesn't matter! Don't let your mom or anybody put you down

Don't worry what people think. If your comfortable with the way you are, other people's opinions shouldn't mean a damn. Keep your head up OP! ^_^

spartangrl 6

what's up with all these shitty parents? congrats OP, it's a lot of hard work to lose weight healthily. :)

You shouldn't change for other people yøu should just change to make yourself happy!!!

Ouch how thoughtless of her! Congratz on loosing the weigh though, I hope it is to your liking.

You should say, "Give me 40 pounds of yours and we'll both be happy"