
By Electronotfriend - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Poland

Today, I was walking in the mountains when I tripped, and I grabbed onto a fence in an attempt to soften my fall. The fence was electric. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 093
You deserved it 4 795

Top comments

elara15 0

Usually there are signs warning of such things, but I probably would've grabbed the fence out of instinct. Sorry, that's horrible.


i did that last night at like 2am when i was exploring an part of my friend's new neighborhood. i walked right into it (it was dark and i didn't see anything) and my friends thought i was having a seizure.

Poke_my_mon 0

Only a woman would do something like that.

SparkJester 0

What????????? why would they put an electric fence on a mountain...aren't you supposed to be able to hang on to fences incase you fall when your climbing mountains???

it has nothing to do with what gender you are, a reaction is a reaction, stop being a jack ass

Jurassic Park??... this doesn't make any sense.. why would "they", I am assuming you meant the protector of the mountain.. put an electric fence up... Either very stupid, or very fake!

you fool, an electric fence could never have nearly enough voltage to kill someone.

BrownEyedNinja 0

um it says that the op is a girl. im just sayin.

loquita_fml 0

Sorry dude. You did not deserve that and anyone who laughs at someone else misfortune, it will come back twice to bite them in the ass. What comes around goes around!

wow there's something you don't hear everyday... i was walking iin the mountains...lmaoo and im sorry that must've hurt!!!