
By Electronotfriend - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Poland

Today, I was walking in the mountains when I tripped, and I grabbed onto a fence in an attempt to soften my fall. The fence was electric. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 093
You deserved it 4 795

Top comments

elara15 0

Usually there are signs warning of such things, but I probably would've grabbed the fence out of instinct. Sorry, that's horrible.


DomDucky 0

Would it kill them? thats a stupid question.

What a shock! Why am I not stunned by this electrifying tale? Oh well, you may not be the brightest light bulb in the toolbox but you're definitely the most electrifying tale on fml.

It's absolutely shocking there was no sign!

Ouch. Most electric fences are quite obvious though, at least the ones I use are rope with metal strands running around it so if it was one of them it would be quite obvious even before you were close to it. But anyways ouch!

lj2000 5

I too walk within falling range of electric fences on uneven terrain