
By Electronotfriend - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Poland

Today, I was walking in the mountains when I tripped, and I grabbed onto a fence in an attempt to soften my fall. The fence was electric. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 093
You deserved it 4 795

Top comments

elara15 0

Usually there are signs warning of such things, but I probably would've grabbed the fence out of instinct. Sorry, that's horrible.


Only because he is from poland doesn't mean that he went to the mountains in poland...

PolishPride 0

I am from Poland and i can reassure you that what she said is true. I remember when i was a kid and i was hiking with my parents. when i started wandering of a trail and going towards a fence they ran after me and stopped me, then pointed to the sign that said "Warning, fence under eletric current"

elsieenchanted 0

Thats an epic fall...And fail. o.o But I'm really sorry. That sucks.

lookitsnatash 0

i've done that. it doesn't suck that much. those fences simply send small pulses through the wires.

skiz_fml 0

At least you didn't whiz on the electric fence

Haha. They do hurt. :/ But usually only for a few minutes, then the feeling goes away. I used to hit ours all the time while giving my horses food and water. :/

cupcake330 16
GreenDaysGeekGrl 0

did you not notice the huge HIGH VOLTAGE sign??? lmao good job! i hope you're okay though