
By Electronotfriend - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Poland

Today, I was walking in the mountains when I tripped, and I grabbed onto a fence in an attempt to soften my fall. The fence was electric. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 093
You deserved it 4 795

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elara15 0

Usually there are signs warning of such things, but I probably would've grabbed the fence out of instinct. Sorry, that's horrible.


MissHannah_fml 0

Aghh, that sounds horrible. I probably would have done the exact same thing, but still...ouch. FYL indeed.

Since when are there eletric fences in the mountains?

I've been shocked dozens of times (I have worked on various farms) and never felt anything I'd describe as "pain", so suck it up. The voltage isn't high enough to do any damage. It just feels tingly and a little jolt, nothing that hurts at all...

if she got electrocuted, she'd be dead.

sbnl123 0

electric fences don't hurt that much.. 0.o

To those asking why the OP was close to an electric fence in the mountains, I believe someone earlier on was nice enough to explain to us that they are fairly common in Poland. To those wondering why the OP didn't see the "high voltage" signs, the signs are posted along the fence at usually semi-equal intervals. The sign doesn't cover every inch of the fence. It is very likely, however unfortunate, that the OP "stumbled" upon a section without a sign. Even if there was a sign, it is a natural human response when you are falling to try and catch yourself. If there is nothing around, you try to brace yourself on the ground...but if there is something close, like a fence, you want to keep yourself from hitting the ground altogether! FYL OP. Sorry about your misfortune.

fyi if the OP was shocked by an electric fence, they would not be writing this on the same day!!!!

high voltage fences in the mountians? unless you were near some structure that had electric fences around it to deter bears and other critters, i don't understand why there would be an electric fence randomly in the mountians

It was probably a livestock fence it would not put you in the hospital it would just shock you for like a second and then the pain if there is pain is over because the livestock fences just use a jolt like every other second.