
By Electronotfriend - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Poland

Today, I was walking in the mountains when I tripped, and I grabbed onto a fence in an attempt to soften my fall. The fence was electric. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 093
You deserved it 4 795

Top comments

elara15 0

Usually there are signs warning of such things, but I probably would've grabbed the fence out of instinct. Sorry, that's horrible.


That does really suck. I bet even if you knew it was electric you would of still grabbed it, it's natural reaction.


That blows. It was probably a livestock fence or something. They're all over where I live, so it wouldn't be too out there to think that a farmer put one up along the mountains to keep his animals in and off paths.

I know many people who live in the "mountains", there are plenty of places to walk and plenty of roads and private properties with fences at the boundary. The post didn't say that they were climbing a freaking K2 type mountain, so all you flatlanders just hush up. I believe it was Ren or Stimpy who said "don't whizz on the e-le-ah-ectric fence"-- so, it coulda been worse. There is always a bright side.

epic fail you fail but thax for trying

I modded this :) btw electric shocks HURT especilly when you dont see them comeing. My dad got a tazer and guess who he used it on to show one of my friends!

i once pissed on an electric fence i cant explain the feeling

chowyuk 0

first decent fml in awhile. I've been shocked even if a little it sucks.

dacman48 0

well look on the bright side. at least u didnt feel the fall

and you were near an electric fence in the mountains because...?

PolishPride 0

Heheheh przesrane troszke :P Gdzie dokładnie byłaś?