
By Anonymous - 09/03/2016 18:54 - United Kingdom - Carlisle

Today, at a family dinner, I found the courage to tell my husband's parents about my schizophrenia. They exchanged weird looks and then there was an uncomfortable silence. Then my father-in-law finally says, "Christ. The grandkids won't come out all nutty, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 630
You deserved it 2 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The grandkids might come out all nutty; not because of your genes, but because of his genes.

ExtremeEncounter 32

Well he seems nice. It's always the in-laws.


OP, I had the exact same thing happen to me about 6 months ago. My father in law said "Well keep it to yourself because I don't want any nutjob grandkids." I've done my best to be a good example of how mental illness isn't a death sentence but most people I know have had years of conditioning where movies and media taught them to fear mental illness. Don't let it get you down. Just take care of yourself and throw a middle finger in the direction of anyone who tries to break your spirit.

metalcrazed 21

You are aware schizophrenia is genetic? He has a right to be concerned.

metalcrazed 21

He doesn't have a right to not want his grandkids to go through a nightmare of a life?

Nightmare of a life?? Schizophrenia isn't a light or easy disorder, sure, but are you seriously telling me all those who have it have a terrible life or hate their lives?! It won't make life easy but the same can be said for a shitload of other things!

Mathalamus 24

according to me, grandparents have no rights to decide anything for their children. or grandchildren. so.. it still isn't their right. that honor belongs to the parents.

all nutty doesn't sound like "concern" to me

Can you quit commenting about this? You could legit talk about any genetic mental illness and say something like "that 2% chance of it passing down can ruin the kid's life" like shut up. Let her do what she wants. Don't add extra guilt to the situation

metalcrazed 21

That was a direct quote from a schizophrenic I will be sure to tell him you say his life isn't that bad as he's screaming and crying.

Congrats, you know a schizophrenic who has a bad life. I look around just on FML and see some schizophrenics who seem to be doing quite well. It's almost like mental illnesses affect people differently or something!!

metalcrazed 21

Um,no there is no mild case of this do some research. It a horrible life long struggle that never stops. I have quite a few really serious genetic problems in my family and there is no way I would ever risk passing those on. I adopted.

Oh really? So all schizophrenics have all the same worst case symptoms? All have to be in mental hospitals? Cause if so, considering how many schizophrenics I see on here they must have great access to computers.

Seriphe 16

106 - Yes, there are mild cases. There are also cases where a schizophrenic can function without medication. Each person is different, and schizophrenia can differ extremely from person to person. My husband knows the voices he hears and the occasional things he sees are a product of bad brain chemistry, and is able to ignore them. He's actually managed to channel the voices into writing a fantasy book (swords and sorcery style), though he hasn't tried to publish yet. Not sure how 'severe' my husbands condition is, but your friend definitely seems to be on the far end, and can hopefully get some relief. :(

gdeekay 9

There are certain things you just keep to yourself.

I don't think uneducated means what you think it means.

i think i know what uneducated means?

See, but I'm wondering if they would have reacted like that had you said "I've been struggling with asthma my whole life" or something of the sort. There's such a stigma attached to mental health, it's ridiculous.

Definitely insensitive but yes it can be genetic.

Schizo_teddy 4

Quite a few Schizophrenics can function well in society. Medication is good at helping it, as you know. Sorry people are very ignorant. And most are proud of being ignorant which is the really sad part. -schizo(phrenic)teddy(bear)

ChiefKoala 30

This is true. My ex had the same issue (still does, we just broke up because we never got to see each other and it was affecting our relationship), and on her meds she functioned quite well. So, I can confirm your statement (as far I could see, she functioned quite well on her meds. Off her meds was a totally different sotry).

That's the sort of remark he's supposed to keep to himself not just blurt it out.

Just say, "Yep. Nuttier than a Snickers,"