Come to bed eyes

By marshmallowssss - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I just finished having dinner with my boyfriend, so I leaned over to him and said seductively, "How about some dessert?" Obviously, he didn't catch my tone, because he then looked at me and said, "Babe, you really don't need it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 509
You deserved it 9 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackson7787 0

Ha, someone's not getting anything tonight anymore.

greenfairy_fml 0

damn, the stories on here about what guys say to their girlfriends make me feel really glad I'm single


ipodlover1995 0

YDI for being a big fat fatty

All girls talking about their boyfriends on here are dating guys who can't even treat a girl right

I think #33 is dead on. I am a guy, but I used to be fat. comments like that hurt... but you can control your weight and who you love. Put the fork down and pick up some running shoes. Losing weight and eating right was the best thing I did with my life. And bt dubs, honesty hurts, but it's a lot nicer than him resenting you and cheating behind your back.

major mood killer! but you deserve better

Jewbenita 0

well no dessert for him then, his loss. if it wasnt a total mood-killer, i would say its good hes being honest with you. my boyfriend does that, he wants to help me lose the pudge ive gained over the months, but when i'm trying to set the mood he mentions nothing about it :) maybe next time he'll know the difference between offering dessert and "offering dessert"