Come to bed eyes

By marshmallowssss - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I just finished having dinner with my boyfriend, so I leaned over to him and said seductively, "How about some dessert?" Obviously, he didn't catch my tone, because he then looked at me and said, "Babe, you really don't need it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 509
You deserved it 9 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackson7787 0

Ha, someone's not getting anything tonight anymore.

greenfairy_fml 0

damn, the stories on here about what guys say to their girlfriends make me feel really glad I'm single


Its funny how at the end of all the comments its a fight between people that agree its a fml scenario and people that think the person is a complaining idiot and deserved it

whoretool 0

men... pervs in the least perverted situations and completely stupid in the next. (wait thats all the time...) YES, that is a joke. dont going sueing gentlemen.

Apparantly you're fat, I suggest you do something about it. And maybe you should have a talk with your bf aswell, but mainly, do something about being fat. And to that fat person who is commenting on everyone to stop telling fat ppl to lose weight and stuff; start losing some weight, fatty! It's not that hard really, you don't need to goto the gym for it (would be better if you did tho). Just eat normal and make sure you're cold all the time (then you burn fat to keep warm!). I eat a shitload and im near underweight, why? Because eventho i eat a shitload, i eat a shitload of food thats not fat. Also I don't wrap myself in a ton of clothing to keep warm, besides that being abit cold burns your fat, it also makes you more resistant. (And you should ATLEAST walk 30min-1h on daily basis, not just to burn energy but it's also good for your bloodflow so they don't have to saw off your feet when you're 50)

kellster 2

If he's not attracted to her, then why is he with her? If he cares about her, he would have couched his comment more nicely and maybe not in that context. The way he said it is what makes him an asshole. As for #30, it's not rocket science. Women want to feel that they're attractive to the people they're dating. If you're not, then get out and let her find someone who a) does find her attractive, and b) isn't an insensitive asshole.

#31 there is something wrong with overweight people if it was alright to be overweight, it would be called normal, there are so many health risks involved. A big part of my extended family is overweight and they can hardly move and some have diabetes, so its incredibly unhealthy, and eating dessert is so not good for someone who is overweight. But should her bf have said that? No, only if you are of a normal weight would it be funny and if by some miracle you didn't have insecurities like a lot of girls do.

I am a completely oblivious male, and at the moment, I have no doubt that your comment would have gone over my head (it made sense when I read it, but in the heat of the moment, I would have found a way to miss it). Still, I wouldn’t have said what your boyfriend said. You should have looked him right in the face and said “I was actually suggesting that we go home and have sex, but you just blew that.”

Thats sux for u boy i wouldve been angry

starbaby 0

Wow it amazes me how far people go on comments it makes me sick. People come on here to share stories of embarrassment with other people, then not only do you come on here to let those misfortunes amuse you, you need to insult them on top of it. "oh your fat you deserve it" get off your high horse you have no right to judge someone you don't know. That being said... I'm sorry he didn't get what you mean his loss! Lol

If they didn't want people to comment on and laugh at their embarrassment they wouldn't have put it on the Internet for the whole world to read.

If you haven't already dumped that jerk, the next time he asks for some "dessert" tell him to go jack off. :P