Come to bed eyes

By marshmallowssss - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I just finished having dinner with my boyfriend, so I leaned over to him and said seductively, "How about some dessert?" Obviously, he didn't catch my tone, because he then looked at me and said, "Babe, you really don't need it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 509
You deserved it 9 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jackson7787 0

Ha, someone's not getting anything tonight anymore.

greenfairy_fml 0

damn, the stories on here about what guys say to their girlfriends make me feel really glad I'm single


When are women going to realize that most guys, myself included, simply can *not* pick up on hints like that. When a woman says "I'm fine," she's more than often not. "Don't get me anything for (whatever occasion)" says "Get me something nice." Ladies, just do us males a favor and don't hint, just come right out and say "You. Me. Bed. Now." We'll both be happier that way.

ggen 0

#63 has a point, I have to admit. Sometimes I hint at stuff and my bf won't get it. And he's a sensitive and smart guy. Women DO have different lingo than men. But for marshmallowssss, that is harsh if it wasn't a joke and I hope you got him back for it.

hahahahahaha that's funny!!!! but maybe you really don't need it...

Rantie 0

Nice try on your part. FAIL on his

BillieJ 0

Wow, I hate the comment feature. FML should just get rid of it, it's just an excuse for people to be assholes anonymously, and start pointless fights.

moonlight_daze 8

Then don't read them. (Or post them).

katherinebby17 28

even if thats true that wasnt a nice way of saying it

Frankly I'm surprised a fat chick even got a date. Dang congrats on that. Blind date or something... But seriously even though you got past dinner you weren't going to make it to the bedroom. Go on a diet.

Some of the people commenting on this FML are bastards. she could be fat, she could be slim...either way the boyfriend is a bit of a jack ass for saying it regardless. and who the **** doesnt pick up on the sexy tone?

YDI for apparently not knowing the definition of "seductively"