Communication Breakdown

By loling - 25/02/2010 09:37 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out a guy I had a thing with a while back thinks I am obsessed with him. This is because when he said that we should be friends, I stupidly thought he was being sincere and bothered to call him all of three times in the last five months. Clearly a sign of obsession. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 474
You deserved it 3 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smashleighfig 0

shes not whining, shes laughing at him over it. Read the name, 'loling'. FYL because the dudes a moron, ha


imdeborah 0

it's just an FML. so WHY are you guys questioning why she submitted this? it's fits the FML criteria if you ask me. I had the EXACT same thing happen to me when I texted this guy only THREE TIMES. no, I didn't talk about him obsessively. never have.

I had a similar thing happen where a guy found out that I had had a small crush on him but I had already gotten over it. Months later he thought I was obsessed with him, even though I never talked to him at all. He was my friend's classmate and whenever she would be reading a note in class he would rip it out of her hands and read it, so I purposely wrote her a note to read in class saying that someone had told me he thought I liked him and how ridiculous that was because he was such a loser (childish, I know). When he read it he was PISSED, but it worked and he never mentioned me or my "obsession" again. My point is that it's just narcissism, some people think that they're the greatest thing ever and that everyone is always either in love with them or jealous of them, and when they find that someone doesn't, they get really, REALLY upset about it. So try and find a way to make him look like an idiot, it'll feel great, I promise.

@32 it sounds like he was really obsessed with you.... sad, FHL

Wow. That guy is a liar. I guess he didn't want to be friends. I think that it is a good deal that you can laugh about it. ha ha ha ha

sarcdude 3

Hell if that's obsession, throw that obsession my way :P

ydi for not understanding male code. "we should just be friends" = "i'm trying to let you down easy but please god never talk to me again"

Well, some of us like to stay civil and still keep a connection of some kind. Never know when you'll hit a dry spell and be in need of some "relief"

I thought we should still be friends meant "I don't want to be in a committed relationship with you but we can still bump uglies."?

i find this depends on the individual male's aptitude at finding new partners

Haha #44! Kiki just owned you by basically saying if you do that, you're inept at finding new tang.... hold on.... I pretty much said the same thing as you.... FML.

Nothing like a stalker to boost ones ego! Although, your weren't stalking so FYL OP.

marcwade 0

straight guys love to think that everybody is obsessed with them.

sarcdude 3

what about straight guys that wish people were obsessed with them?

PsychoMerk 0

So like the rest of the times you don't call him you leave little notes in his room and stuff, right? :)

So what? Do you really care if some guy things you're obsessive? Don't start obsessing over him thinking you're obsessive. Move on.