Communication Breakdown

By loling - 25/02/2010 09:37 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out a guy I had a thing with a while back thinks I am obsessed with him. This is because when he said that we should be friends, I stupidly thought he was being sincere and bothered to call him all of three times in the last five months. Clearly a sign of obsession. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 474
You deserved it 3 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smashleighfig 0

shes not whining, shes laughing at him over it. Read the name, 'loling'. FYL because the dudes a moron, ha


OMG i had a girl who tried to call me every hour for a week! Now that's obsessive 

Lol, Fyl indeed. My downstairs neighbor claimed I was obsessed / in love with him since I kept complaining when his way-too-loud basses were making my fridge dance around the house. Apparently I even got the police to bring my "love statements" down.

I can definitely relate to this. I once liked this guy five years ago and he turned me down twice, so I thought whatever and kept talking to him as friends civilly. I mean I wasn't all butt hurt over a crush...anyways. He's been asking me if I think he's good looking and if I want to have sex with him ever since. he evern re-added me to facebook two months ago and the first thing he asked me was if I wanted to go down on him. Long story short, he claims to have re-added me as an ego booster...five years later. So FYL OP and **** mine as well.

get over it, and stop whining. u obviously still have a thing for him.

maybe he didn't want to risk pissing off his current girlfriend by spending time with an ex

Kick him in the balls. He'll understand how you really feel.

dugumit 0

tell him, "I thought u were sincere when u said let's stay friends, good to know u don't feel that way so now I can stop these pity calls to u because I felt sorry for u" put people in their place!

kidcucumber 0

how is this an fml? get over yourself. would love to hear the other side of the story.

I agree with the commenters above about the stroking of the ego. Definitely the case. The guy knows that you're not stalking him, but he's making up shit. Same when guys talk about who's easy, some young men love to brag about what they've done with women. This guy hasn't gotten laid in a while: he knows it, his friends know it. Someone teased him and he brought up you to save face. At the same time, don't call him again. Ever.