Communication Breakdown

By loling - 25/02/2010 09:37 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out a guy I had a thing with a while back thinks I am obsessed with him. This is because when he said that we should be friends, I stupidly thought he was being sincere and bothered to call him all of three times in the last five months. Clearly a sign of obsession. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 474
You deserved it 3 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smashleighfig 0

shes not whining, shes laughing at him over it. Read the name, 'loling'. FYL because the dudes a moron, ha


eat_this_buddie 5

forget him. lose his number and keep on going with your day

Welcome to the confusing and annoying side of dating!!!

You should casually mention on Facebook that you wish he would stop walking by your house several times a day, and see how HE likes people thinking he's a stalker...

GhoStedar 0

Who cares what he thinks? Did what he thinks break something or actually affect how you live your life?

imdeborah 0

what an asshole. I hate when people pull shit like that. hahaha the people that are trying to look for stupid reasons to blame the OP (guys), shut the **** up. some guys are douches, get over it. :)

explain to him why his retarded and a ego maniac for that following reason (i.e you only called a few times in a month), then tell him that you're removing EVERYTHING that's related to him, from his email addy to FB (if you got one) and phone number off your phone and internet. Tell him if he tries to contact you you'll call the cops. You can't be more blunt then that, the message of "I AM NOT INTERESTED OR OBSESSED BY YOU SO GET LOST" should get through.

I actually think this is a little over the top and might have the opposite effect of making her look like she's trying TOO hard to make it seem she's not obsessed. She should be more subtle than this, or just ignore him until he finds something else to entertain himself with.