Communication Breakdown

By loling - 25/02/2010 09:37 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out a guy I had a thing with a while back thinks I am obsessed with him. This is because when he said that we should be friends, I stupidly thought he was being sincere and bothered to call him all of three times in the last five months. Clearly a sign of obsession. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 474
You deserved it 3 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smashleighfig 0

shes not whining, shes laughing at him over it. Read the name, 'loling'. FYL because the dudes a moron, ha


@iSwag YES, THANK YOU. Everything you said is so so true.

marisalee 0

He, along with every other guy that says "let's be friends", probably didn't mean it. YDI for not knowing. Duh..

Renae123 0

I'm betting that he has nothing better to do...

dazee 3

He obviously didn't want to be friends.

Haha that's slightly awkward, just tell him not to flatter himself.

qpsarah 10

If he never called back then it's obsession.