
By mylifeissad - 30/12/2009 02:10 - United States

Today, I had to look up how to eat a mango on the internet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 268
You deserved it 37 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CinderChicken 0

Clearly, the OP hit enter before they finished typing. I imagine the whole thing would read: "Today, I had to look up how to eat a mango on the internet, because my jaw got wired shut and I need the specific vitamins in mangos to survive. Turns out, the only way to absorb them is to now use my whole mango as a suppository. FML." -or something to that effect. :D

This is a lame fml to approve. Just slightly.


op's life is not f---ed, it's just meaningless and average

Wow, your life is so messed up OP. I feel so sorry for you.

coffee_addict7 0
vermillionlove 0

peel it...... take the seed out. eat it. YUM YUM. shit it out later. GG.

You couldn't figure out how to eat fruit? Please report to the nearest sterilization center.

CinderChicken 0

Clearly, the OP hit enter before they finished typing. I imagine the whole thing would read: "Today, I had to look up how to eat a mango on the internet, because my jaw got wired shut and I need the specific vitamins in mangos to survive. Turns out, the only way to absorb them is to now use my whole mango as a suppository. FML." -or something to that effect. :D

idiotkid 0

Oh wow. Yeah, **** your life. This is just horrible.

BrownSugar_fml 5

This is no FML OP. Post again when you have a real fml. and who the hell approved this one?