Compromising situation

By anonymous - 16/07/2011 13:18 - Canada

Today, I was on a hot date. After we finished supper, we went back to his place. My stomach started to feel upset, so I politely asked where the bathroom was so I could "powder my nose;" After ten minutes of agonizing diarrhea, I looked down and noticed he was out of toilet paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 703
You deserved it 4 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lauren10102 3
FMLandurstoo 9

so you're posting the FML from the toilet?


well you shouldve told him the truth maybe he would have gave u a roll FYL

so how did you finish the final step~???^^

holyj1 0

That's awesome!! you probably wrote this while in the shitter haha XD

Jujubilee 1

omg, that is horrible!!! I feel soooo bad for you

You deserve it for "Powdering" your nose.

always check before you go it's a life lesson

haha this reminds me of the movie 'Along came Polly'!

lol always check it should e a lesson you learnt a LONG time ago! ;) love the happy faces :D. :P

tell him you crave chocolate and you were having an "episode"